1Brand Positioning Study is an essential tool for building stronger brands. Whether you’re big or small, if you have a brand, you need to work on the right brand positioning to be in your customers’ minds. So when they have a specific need that you can address, they choose you over your competitors.
The brand-building process is complex and is linked to all the actions, relationships, and interactions established between the brand and its stakeholders.
It’s not just about aesthetic or image-related matters, but it’s intimately related to the set of values the brand conveys, the emotions it evokes, and the reactions it generates among its target audience.
Building and positioning a brand is an ongoing process associated with the brand’s own evolution and growth, relying on communication as the primary strategic tool.
In a saturated market with increasingly homogeneous products and services, it’s crucial to be able to convey our competitive advantages and do so in a context and manner that truly connects with our customers. But… are we as a company aware of what those values are? Do they match the consumer’s perception? Let’s talk about it.
The Brand Positioning Survey
To understand the level of awareness and perception that end customers have about your brand, or about the competition, a very effective resource is conducting a brand study or brand positioning study.
Through a questionnaire with open and closed-ended questions, you can carry out a brand positioning study, analyzing top-of-mind awareness, spontaneous or suggested recall, customers’ motivations for consumption, as well as barriers, evaluating different attributes or the brand’s recommendation capacity among consumers. In addition to these points, in short, the positioning study helps you validate or discard the key elements of your value proposition so that, once defined and validated, you can communicate them loudly and clearly.
And for it all to make sense, the communication strategy has to comply with both the previous study and the business strategy, be consistent with it, and go hand in hand. Only in this way can you genuinely convey and, therefore, connect with potential customers, increasing the real chances of them choosing you. In other words, if a brand manages to communicate the set of real competitive advantages along with the «intangibles» or values it conveys, generating a positive perception, then it will succeed in «positioning» itself in the consumer’s mind, becoming their preferred choice.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://www.wearetesters.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/josu.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Josu Rodrigo, COO of We are testers.</author_info] [/author]
Update date 22 December, 2023Have you considered conducting a brand positioning study? Or do you want to know what place a competitor’s brand holds in the consumer’s mind? Contact us at info@wearetesters.com, and we’ll inform you about the possibilities of conducting a positioning test to help you achieve your goals!